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Career & Technical Education » Pettus ISD Career & Technical Education

Pettus ISD Career & Technical Education

Mission, Purpose, CTE Standards 
Programs of Study  
In support of the State of Texas' college and career planning, Pettus ISD has developed multiple Programs of Study which combine rigorous academics and relevant career and technical education to create a plan of study that has real focus and purpose for students. A Program of Study consists of a recommended coherent sequence of courses based on the student's interest, skills, and college and career goals and provides the student with a seamless transition to employment and/or postsecondary education, higher skill, and higher demand jobs in the workforce. Click on the following tabs to view the Programs of Study offered at Pettus High School: 
Programs of Study Course Pathway 
Programs of study will provide students with a course sequence that ties to an endorsement and offers a strong vertical alignment. The suggested course pathways are intended to provide guidance to students seeking career readiness through course content and industry based certifications. For more information on the detailed plan of study and the individual courses offered, click the links below. 
  • Click the tab to view the resources