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A Note from our Interim Superintendent

Summer is here and although school is currently on hiatus for our summer break, business continues, and preparation for the next school year is in progress. From addressing district facility needs to personnel vacancies; please be confident that the work required for successful results are in progress.    
I am also well aware that many of you are seeking much needed answers to questions moving closer to our 2024-2025 school year.  As you know, the district is currently addressing our superintendent vacancy with the hope of a permanent professional in the seat soon!  In the meantime, as the interim superintendent, I will do my best to make sure the district continues to function effectively with the help of all of our district administrators, support staff and community for the best educational interest of your son/daughter.
Hence, your patience is much appreciated at this time.  However, you are certainly deserving and have the right to information regarding the various elements of your school district moving forward as problems are resolved, vacancies are filled, and school functions continue.  Information will begin to be distributed by our campus principals and staff in the days and weeks to come via our district and campus portals.
In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer.  Call or email the appropriate campus or central office personnel if you have any questions or are in need of assistance regarding school business consistent with you or your son/daughter.
Thank you!
Mr. (Coach) Garza
Interim Superintendent
AD/Head FB Coach